The Non-formal academy of activities

The academy is based on individual goals and the ambitions of the young people participating.
Through non-formal activities young people can improve competencies, knowledge, entrepreneurial attitudes, group-work competencies, creativity, time management, language skills. We are committed to providing young people with a memorable non-formal experience.
The use of technology in young people’s life is increasing; media seem to be a new educator, and innovation means rapid changes in the labour market - the jobs are not so stable, as before. Technological, social and cultural changes have a great impact on young people. These changes also influence the education - Its role has to change. But the formal education and educational institutions are stable. That is not the case with youth work and non-formal education, they are much more flexible. Youth work and non-formal learning can take place in many settings (youth clubs, schools, cafes, streets, parks) and does not necessary require professional facilities. Non-formal learning can be done by different providers (such as NGOs or municipal institutions) and use different methods. Non-formal learning can be a voluntary activity, where young people cooperate in a group – those are important motivation factors. Non-formal learning activities are structured learning situations which are designed, but not necessary for the purpose of learning..